Blogs en inglés


Publicaciones recientes en los blogs en inglés sobre bolsa e inversión recomendados por Diariodebolsa:

  • Top 10 Safest Monthly Dividend Stocks Now
    por Nikolaos Sismanis el 26 julio, 2024 a las 5:00 pm

    Updated on July 26th, 2024 by Bob Ciura Monthly dividend stocks can be an attractive investment option for those seeking stable income. That is because monthly dividend stocks provide a predictable and consistent stream of cash flow. Monthly dividends allow investors to receive more frequent payments than stocks which pay quarterly or semi-annual dividend payouts. The post Top 10 Safest Monthly Dividend Stocks Now appeared first on Sure Dividend.

  • Top 20 Highest-Yielding Small Cap Dividend Stocks Now
    por Robert Ciura el 25 julio, 2024 a las 8:00 pm

    Updated on July 25th, 2024 by Bob Ciura The Russell 2000 Index is arguably the world’s best-known benchmark for small-cap U.S. stocks. Small-cap stocks have historically outperformed their larger counterparts. Accordingly, the Russell 2000 Index can be an intriguing place to look for new investment opportunities. You can download your free Excel list of Russell The post Top 20 Highest-Yielding Small Cap Dividend Stocks Now appeared first on Sure Dividend.

  • Negative Beta Stocks | The Negative Beta S&P 500 Stock In 2024
    por Robert Ciura el 24 julio, 2024 a las 7:40 pm

    Updated on July 24th, 2024 by Bob Ciura Spreadsheet data updated daily In the world of investing, volatility matters. Investors are reminded of this every time there is a downturn in the broader market and individual stocks that are more volatile than others experience enormous swings in price in both directions. That volatility can increase The post Negative Beta Stocks | The Negative Beta S&P 500 Stock In 2024 appeared first on Sure Dividend.

  • $656,000 of Frugal Things I Still Love Doing
    por Mr. Money Mustache el 24 julio, 2024 a las 2:33 am

    “I used to read Mr. Money Mustache”,  some people say these days,  “Until he got all rich and fancy so that he no longer understands the common person’s plight. Stash probably doesn’t even practice any of these money-saving things he preaches any more!”  When I read things like this, I can’t help but laugh. Because

  • Top 20 Highest-Yielding MLPs Now | Yields Up To 22.9%
    por Robert Ciura el 23 julio, 2024 a las 9:20 pm

    Updated on July 23rd, 2024 by Bob Ciura Master Limited Partnerships, otherwise known as MLPs, have obvious appeal for income investors. This is because MLPs widely offer yields of 5% or even higher in some cases. With this in mind, we created a full downloadable list of nearly 100 Master Limited Partnerships in our coverage universe. You The post Top 20 Highest-Yielding MLPs Now | Yields Up To 22.9% appeared first on Sure Dividend.

  • Top 20 Highest-Yielding Dividend Aristocrats Now | Yields Up To 5.5%
    por Bob Ciura el 22 julio, 2024 a las 7:30 pm

    Updated on July 22nd, 2024 by Bob Ciura At Sure Dividend, we often steer income investors toward the Dividend Aristocrats. Investors looking for high-quality dividend stocks to buy and hold for the long-run, can find many attractive stocks on this prestigious list. The Dividend Aristocrats are a select group of 68 stocks in the S&P The post Top 20 Highest-Yielding Dividend Aristocrats Now | Yields Up To 5.5% appeared first on Sure Dividend.

  • High Dividend 50: Philip Morris International
    por Robert Ciura el 19 julio, 2024 a las 9:08 pm

    Published on July 19th, 2024 by Bob Ciura Tobacco stocks are particularly attractive to income investors, thanks to their generous dividends and defensive characteristics during economic downturns. Tobacco companies produce a lot of cash, but have low capital expenditure needs, creating what could be considered ideal dividend stocks. Philip Morris International (PM) has a high The post High Dividend 50: Philip Morris International appeared first on Sure Dividend.

  • 2 Defensive Dividend Stocks To Buy Now
    por Robert Ciura el 19 julio, 2024 a las 3:07 pm

    Guest Post by Tom Hutchinson, Chief Analyst, Cabot Dividend Investor The stock market has favored growth stocks, and has not been kind to defensive stocks in the first half of the year. Utilities, Health Care, Consumer Staples, and Energy have been mediocre at best. But there are still risks to consider. Inflation could be stickier, and The post 2 Defensive Dividend Stocks To Buy Now appeared first on Sure Dividend.

  • High Dividend 50: Northwest Natural Holding
    por Robert Ciura el 19 julio, 2024 a las 2:50 pm

    Published on July 19th, 2024 by Bob Ciura Many high dividend stocks can be found within the utility sector. Utilities typically generate steady earnings, even during recessions, which allows them to pay consistent dividends each year. Northwest Natural Gas (NWN) is a utility stock with a high dividend yield of 4.9%. As a result, it The post High Dividend 50: Northwest Natural Holding appeared first on Sure Dividend.

  • High Dividend 50: Tompkins Financial
    por Robert Ciura el 18 julio, 2024 a las 10:33 pm

    Published on July 18th, 2024 by Bob Ciura Many bank stocks pay dividends, although few have as high of a dividend yield as Tompkins Financial (TMP). TMP stock has a high current yield of 4.3%. As a result, it is part of our ‘High Dividend 50’ series, where we cover the 50 highest yielding stocks The post High Dividend 50: Tompkins Financial appeared first on Sure Dividend.

  • High Dividend 50: Wendy’s Company
    por Robert Ciura el 18 julio, 2024 a las 4:59 pm

    Published on July 18th, 2024 by Bob Ciura The fast food industry is a natural source of dividend stocks. By and large, fast food operators enjoy the benefits of scale, customer loyalty, and recession-resistant business models. The strong cash flow generated by fast food stocks often translates into dividend payments for shareholders. For example, Wendy’s The post High Dividend 50: Wendy’s Company appeared first on Sure Dividend.

  • The Ultimate Life Coach
    por Mr. Money Mustache el 18 mayo, 2024 a las 11:54 pm

    Almost  nineteen years into early retirement now, I’ve come to realize that the complete freedom of this lifestyle can be a double-edged sword. You’ve already heard me raving plenty about the upside: having the freedom to raise a son from the day he was born to beyond his eighteenth birthday with no compromises. And then

  • How To Afford a House These Days
    por Mr. Money Mustache el 3 febrero, 2024 a las 9:25 pm

    The other day, an MMM reader stopped by and left the following comment on one of my older posts about the principles of FIRE: As with every critique of our ideas, I thought about this comment for a while. Tried to determine if there were any Principles of Mustachianism that were genuinely going obsolete, versus

  • The Arizona Experiment!
    por Mr. Money Mustache el 2 noviembre, 2023 a las 7:35 pm

    The thing that drew me to early retirement is freedom, and that’s still the best part of it.  Back in 2005, the primary reason for this freedom-seeking was being able to devote my best hours to being a Dad – I had a feeling my career in tech would be too demanding to sustain once

  • What to Do About These High Interest Rates
    por Mr. Money Mustache el 4 septiembre, 2023 a las 8:46 pm

    Whoa, have you seen what just happened to interest rates!? Suddenly, after at least fourteen years of our financial world being mostly the same, somebody flipped over the table and now things are quite different.  Interest rates, which have been gliding along at close to zero since before the Dawn of Mustachianism in 2011, have

  • The Comfort Crisis
    por Mr. Money Mustache el 23 julio, 2023 a las 7:43 pm

    As with many things in life these days, it all started with an episode of the Peter Attia podcast. In this edition, our nation’s most Badass Doctor was interviewing a guest I initially dismissed as not overly applicable to my own lifestyle. A young,excessively handsome dude who happened to be a writer with a new

  • Frugal Man Buys $52,000 Car – Why??
    por Mr. Money Mustache el 27 abril, 2023 a las 7:55 pm

    As I type this, I’m jumping through the various hoops involved in buying a 2023 Tesla Model Y, a spectacularly expensive, large luxury “crossover” that is absolutely loaded to the gills with excess: all wheel drive, faster acceleration than a Lamborghini, enough space for seven people and enough computer gadgetry to function as a small

  • Less Cars, More Money: My Visit to the City of the Future
    por Mr. Money Mustache el 7 abril, 2023 a las 6:13 pm

    In my role as Mr. Money Mustache, I do my best to be your one-stop-shop for Lifestyle Guru ideas. So over the years we’ve covered not just the Money side of life, but also the even more important stuff like health and fitness and the psychology of better, happier living.  But there’s one single area

  • How to Build a Kitchen (and Why)
    por Mr. Money Mustache el 26 febrero, 2023 a las 4:35 pm

    Well, looks like it has happened again.  Since the last time we spoke, I got sucked into building my 17th(?) kitchen, and I have finally emerged from its messy yet addictive grasp as I stand here at the new breakfast bar, typing this report to you. Why am I so hooked on this strange pastime?

  • The California Effect
    por Mr. Money Mustache el 11 diciembre, 2022 a las 12:29 am

    One of the reasons I don’t write as often these days is that my life has gradually evolved into a Personal Finance Bubble.  The people around me have learned to be purposeful with their money, which means they now have plenty of savings and never have to stress about the stuff. Good ideas have naturally

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